Type: LED Engine, Farve: White, Konfiguration: Linear Light Strip, Plug and Play, Flux @ strøm / temperatur - test: 240 lm (Typ),
Type: LED Module, Farve: Red, Konfiguration: Round, Plug and Play,
Type: LED Module, Farve: White, Neutral, CCT (K): 4000K, Konfiguration: Round, Plug and Play,
Type: LED Module, Farve: Red, Green, Blue (RGB), Bølgelængde: 627nm Red, 530nm Green, 455nm Blue, Konfiguration: Linear Light Strip, Flux @ strøm / temperatur - test: 44 lm Red, 35 lm Green, 220mW Blue,
Type: LED Module, Farve: Amber, Konfiguration: Round, Plug and Play,
Type: LED Engine, Farve: White, Konfiguration: Linear Light Strip, Plug and Play,
Type: LED Module, Farve: Red, Green, Blue (RGB), Bølgelængde: 627nm Red, 530nm Green, 455nm Blue, Konfiguration: Round, Flux @ strøm / temperatur - test: 44 lm Red, 53 lm Green, 220mW Blue,
Type: LED Module, Farve: Green, Konfiguration: Round, Plug and Play,
Type: LED Engine, Farve: White, Warm, CCT (K): 2850K ~ 3250K, Konfiguration: Linear Light Strip, Flux @ strøm / temperatur - test: 900 lm,
Type: LED Module, Farve: White, Cool, CCT (K): 5000K ~ 6350K, Konfiguration: Round, Plug and Play, Flux @ strøm / temperatur - test: 900 lm,
Type: LED Module, Farve: White, Cool, CCT (K): 6350K, Konfiguration: Rectangle, Flux @ strøm / temperatur - test: 4000 lm,
Type: LED Module, Konfiguration: Round, Plug and Play,
Type: LED Module, Farve: White, Cool, CCT (K): 6350K, Konfiguration: Rectangle, Flux @ strøm / temperatur - test: 4020 lm,
Type: LED Module, Farve: White, Konfiguration: Rectangle,
Type: LED Engine, Farve: White, Cool, CCT (K): 4500K ~ 10000K, Konfiguration: Rectangle,
Type: LED Engine, Farve: White, Konfiguration: Linear Light Strip, Plug and Play, Flux @ strøm / temperatur - test: 80 lm (Typ),
Type: LED Module, Farve: White, Cool, CCT (K): 6350K, Konfiguration: Rectangle, Flux @ strøm / temperatur - test: 3600 lm,
Type: LED Engine, Farve: Red, Green, Blue (RGB), Konfiguration: Linear Light Strip,
Type: LED Module, Farve: White, Cool, CCT (K): 6000K, Flux @ strøm / temperatur - test: 6581 lm,
Type: LED Module, Farve: Red, Green, Blue (RGB), Bølgelængde: 627nm Red, 530nm Green, 447nm Blue, Konfiguration: Linear Light Strip,
Type: LED Engine, Farve: White, Warm, CCT (K): 2850K ~ 3250K, Konfiguration: Linear Light Strip, Flux @ strøm / temperatur - test: 1800 lm,